FrogID Week 11-20 November 2022

FrogID Week 2022: Green Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea) © Australian Museum

It’s time to get Frogging!

FrogID week is back for the 5th year with a callout to citizen scientists, lovers of nature, waterways and the land to get recording the frog calls you hear.

Calls can be submitted all year around, however the 2021 FrogID week saw 37,000 dedicated frog calls submitted, with each recording contributing to the annual ‘audioshot’ of frogs calling across Australia, helping measure the health of our frogs and our environment. 

Australia has more than 240 native species of frog and many of them are under threat. Habitat loss, pollution, disease and climate change, are some of the many threats they face. One of the biggest obstacles facing frog conservation programs is the lack of knowledge about
these species, the threats they face and how to help them.

Frogs are among the most threatened groups of animals on Earth. Hundreds of species of frogs have already disappeared and many more are on the edge of extinction.

There are not enough frog scientists or specialist biologists in Australia to study populations across the country due to the sheer size of our country, and the inability to reach some biologically significant locations after rainfall, adds to the complexity of their work.

Why count frogs?
Frogs are a key indicator of the health of Australia’s waterways and wetlands and play a crucial role in several ecosystems. As paddlers we have a unique opportunity to submit calls from the waterways on which we paddle.

How can you help?
Help monitor waterways this FrogID Week by recording frog calls from your local streams, creeks and ponds, and help put more frog records on the map, using the ForgID app!

Download the FrogID app to get frogging

When: Friday 11 November to Sunday 20 November

If you’re planning FrogID Week activities in your community and would like help seeking local media opportunities, let The Australian Museum know by emailing

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